The anticipation of each b-day is now not so exciting. I turned 35 today and that means I am only 5 years away from being 40. On the bright side, I am very happy to be alive and I have everything I have ever wanted and more. To say I am "blessed" would be an understatement. The kids all had cards for me today that they had carefully chosen and written in. The one's Eden and Sawyer gave me were musical cards and Faith's had a cat on it. They even chose a card for me from our cat, Zoe. From Kyle I got a card and tickets to see Carrie Underwood in concert. I am so excited for that-I can't wait! Thank You Kyle-you spoil me like crazy all the time!!
It has been a great week. Jenny had a garage sale and I took some stuff over and made $300-Yipee!! I also got a call from Holli in England on Fri., an ecard from Amy in England and was having an IM conversation with Becki, in England today. I have missed my friends in England so much and it has been great staying in touch with them. Thank goodness for the phone and Internet. I also got a TM and phone call today from my nieces and nephews. It was so great! Out of the blue I also heard from one of my girlfriends from when we lived in Iowa. I hadn't heard from Kathy in a couple of years but are hoping to get together this week. Last night we had the in-laws over to babysit and we went to the movies with our friends, The Maloys and out for cheeseburgers. We saw the new Batman movie-very good but a little intense. Oh yeah, and Jenny TM during church to wish me a happy b-day. Enough rambling-here is a photo of me and the kids with my b-day cake today. Eden couldn't take her eyes off the cake.