Thursday, 23 August 2012

Starting over....

It has been approximately seven months since I have updated this blog.  There are a lot of reasons for this but just mostly because I feel I never have a moment to myself.  Now that school has started I will try harder.  I don't keep a journal and I don't this is it.  I do take a lot of photos and I have photos taken often of my children so that is always good!  I have even neglected my blog reading. are some reasons (excuses).  I got an iphone in January.  It provides me with all the entertainment I need and it is a TIME BANDIT!  It is also very convenient.  I even have Netflix on it plus a Kindle app and lets not forget about facebook :)  I was also called as Young Women's President of our ward in March.  This means I lead (with help of course...awesome help) approximately 30 girls ages 12-18.  I have lots of meetings and lots and lots of planning and following up.  Sometimes it is quite busy and overwhelming and sometimes it is pretty calm.  I love doing this!  I have always enjoyed teenagers and being with just girls is even better!  I also work with some wonderful adult women that I adore!  Summer hit and things were very busy.  Faith was playing softball, taking sewing and piano.  Eden was doing swimming and piano.  Sawyer was doing piano and chess lessons and Beckett played wee-ball and ice hockey.  We took a vacation to Va. in June to visit my bro and his family.  Faith and Sawyer started XC in August.  We also tried to get to the pool at least once a week.  One of the kids was most always playing/hanging out with a friend/friends.  Kyle has had his normal, busy work schedule as well.  Oh...another reason is that we got a new laptop and most of my pictures are on the other computer.  I need to get them transferred.  It is my goal to catch up on the highlights of the last 7 months but to mostly just "start again."  We will see how I do.