We are a happy (mostly happy) family of six! Kyle, Stacey, Faith 13, Sawyer 11, Eden 8 and Beckett 4. I created this blog as a keepsake for my family. It is often neglected but hey...I am trying.
Monday, 24 January 2011
BECKETT IS 3!!!!!!
My baby is THREE! He is definitely the little "Prince" of our family. His brother and sisters all indulge him like crazy and he is spoiled rotten. If I even attempt to discipline him the other kids say I am being mean and run to his defense. Beckett has been a handful these last three years but we are seeing signs of improvement in that area. For instance...when I took him in for 2 year pictures we were barely able to get ONE shot of him that was pleasant. That has all changed...I just took him to Sear's last week and he posed for every picture and did every single thing the lady told him to. I sat in a chair and watched (that is the way I like it). Beckett is now able to make it through the first hour of church without being taken out and now enjoys going to nursery and pre-school. His vocabulary took off late in the summer and has not slowed down. He is a motor mouth...like his brother and mother. He is now able to ask questions and tattle on his siblings. He also now plays with his toys and even does some make-believe. He really has never played with toys...he has only been interested in climbing all over and on top of things. Beckett loves to play with Eden. He will do pretty much whatever she asks him to. He still REALLY enjoys his T.V. programs, which provides me with some peace during the day :) Beckett is going through a huge independent stage right now. He can count to 15 and sing some songs. He knows most of his shapes and all of his colors (thank you Blue's Clue's and Dora). He is still a big mamas boy. He follows me all over the house and is very affectionate. Eden and Sawyer are playing basketball right now and we can actually take him to the games and he will stay close to us...this wouldn't have happened a few months ago. The biggest news about Bex is that he is 95% potty trained. He has been such a big boy about going on the potty. We are still working on #2 but are getting closer. He has been dry at night for almost two weeks and hasn't had an accident during the day for over a week now. I am happy and sad all at the same time about him growing up. He is definitely a huge joy and blessing to our family. We would be so bored without him! We celebrated his 3rd birthday at Chuck E Cheese!! We did the organized party with just us and the grandparents. He had so much fun and did every single thing he was supposed to. He loved it! He even went into the "Ticket Blaster" with Faith...this is where you go in and they blow tickets around and you have 30 seconds to collect all the tickets you can. For his 3rd birthday he received a big wheels, Bigfoot Robot, stuffed animals and Hexibugs. Someone said to me the other day that Beckett is so fun to watch because he has "so much personality"...that is an understatement. We LOVE YOU BECKETT!!!I had to add this random picture of Beckett when he was just a few months old.
He is a great little boy. You have an awesome family!
3???!!!! CRAZY!!!
Love hearing all about your little British Boy!!!
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
He is so cute! We really need to get together to play!
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