Monday 24 January 2011

Room Re-Do's

Within the last couple of months we have been doing some painting! The lovely FLAT paint that builders use just does not cut it. Our whole house (except the basement) actually needs repainting. We had promised the kids (almost 3 years ago) that they could pick their own room color and we would paint them ASAP. It took us a little longer than planned to get to them but they are finally done...well except for Beckett's...but his is next. We also painted and bought new furniture for our front room. I am really happy with how all the rooms turned out. My favorite color is BEIGE (and every shade of brown) so letting the kids pick bright colors for their rooms really freaked me out. All I can think of is RESALE, RESALE, RESALE...and if we ever do have to move then they will have to be repainted. Just for the record, in almost 14 years of marriage we have lived at eight different addresses. Here are the final products.


corn fed girl said...

Love IT! Great job. Love the green in Faiths room.

Holli said...

looks GREAT!!!!
8 addresses?! WOW! Impressive!
I think you need 15 and then 16!!! Ending you in Morton with us of course!!! :)
We are only on 3 soon to be 4.... and then hopefully 5 in 3 to 5. :)

Corrina Dea said...

love the rooms...need to find out where you got the girls' bed them and I need to find some new ones for Addie