Friday 14 January 2011

St. Louis Trip

We decided to do a little overnight getaway the week between Christmas and New Year. We went to St. Louis, visited some friends, stayed in a hotel and went to Magic House. Magic House is a HUGE children's museum. It has way too many cool things to try and mention all of them. I also took way too many photos so I am going to try and scale them back. It was PACKED but still very, very fun!! My kids really enjoyed sitting in the Oval Office, at the President's desk, and sitting as a judge in the Supreme Court room. Beckett was even a very good boy and loved it all. He and Eden most enjoyed the grocery store. The kids also enjoyed swimming at the hotel.


Maddie said...

Looks like fun!! I especially like Faith's hair :)

Mary said...

That looks like so much fun! We still have never made it down there!