Wednesday 18 January 2012

Beckett is "4!!"

I am a few days late posting on Beckett's birthday.  He turned "4" on Sunday the 15th.  It is hard for me to believe that his "babyhood" is officially over.  It makes me sad but he makes me happy every single day.  He is so friendly and outgoing...much more than the other kids in our family.  As I have posted before he has changed a ton in the past six months or so.  In fact....I went in for a PT conference yesterday with his pre-school teacher and she told me how much she enjoys him as well.  This is the same teacher he had last year that gave me the "nervous laugh" when I happily told her that he would be in her class this school year as well.  She told me how much he had isn't just me.  I feel bad that she was "dreading" the class with him this year.  Beckett LOVES pre-school and his friends.  He LOVES his sisters and his brother.  Eden is his favorite playmate.  His favorite color is green and his favorite food in mac and cheese.  He loves "The Grinch" movie and book and "Green Eggs and Ham" is also a favorite book.  His favorite shows include "Handy Many" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."  He loves his toys and anything from the "Cars" movies.  He also likes "Dora."  He had a very nice birthday party at McDonald's and I will post pics from that later.  So...I took him in today to get his pictures taken at Portrait Innovations and he did amazing.  Such a difference from past experiences.  She took 53 pictures and all of them were cute...MIRACLE!!!  He was a huge HAM!  Here are a few.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Such cute pictures!