Sawyer participated in his first Pinewood Derby last night for scouts. I am not the biggest fan of scouts. Growing up I thought it was for nerds. I think it was the shirt and ascot. Anyways, scouting is the program for 8+ year old boys in our church and of course we wanted Sawyer to participate and be able to build a stronger relationship with the boys in our church. We are behind on all the stuff he needs to get passed off...the patches he has earned are sewn on crooked by his mother...he never wants to wear his ascot (and I don't make him) and his shirt is never tucked in. We are a disgrace to all the scouting die hards out there. Sawyer really enjoys scouts. I think he was sold last summer when they had day camp. He really liked that. Plus, he really enjoys any chance he has to be with boys instead of at home with his mother and sisters and a too young Beckett. I have had to change my attitude by chanting "I love scouts, I really do love scouts, I love scouts."
I had no idea what the Pinewood Derby was. I honestly thought that the boys had to make life-size cars to race around in. Imagine my surprise when several weeks ago Sawyer brought home his small car kit. This was a job for Kyle who happily helped him with his car. Sawyer chose his car style and helped with sanding, painting and whatever else his 8 year old self could possibly help with. Kyle went to the scout store and bought a book, paint and weights...he also looked up some info. on the Internet. We honestly had no idea about how to put this thing together so that it even had a chance to win. I wanted to enlist help from my dad and Kyle's engineering coworkers at CAT. Kyle convinced me that everything would be fine (like he often has to). I honestly didn't care if Sawyer won or not...I just didn't want him to be last. Kyle and I warned Sawyer that his car might not do well because we are inexperienced at this and it is our first year, etc...etc... To make a very long story short Sawyer's car (aka "The Destroyer") came in 2nd place out of 20 some other cars!!! It was very exciting. Sawyer was so happy!! All the boys did a great job...there were no tears shed. They were all very proud of their cars. Sawyer also got an award for "Most Courteous Driver"-we were most proud of this. I couldn't believe what a production this was. They even served hot dogs and nachos-everything was computerized. I have now been educated on Pinewood Derby's. Next year I am going to try and talk Sawyer into a little fancier paint job.
Hafe had a great time. He was relieved that the new track worked and everything turned out despite some bugs in the software. He was excited for all the boys. I was excited for Sawyer! That is great news!
Your opening line is the best! Jeff and I laughed and laughed because we've always thought the same thing... scouts is for nerds. That said, Jeff had earned his Eagle Scout by the time he was 14 so that tells you that he's a nerd:) But seriously, he literally cringes whenever he has to take the boys to a Scout-a-rama. He swears he was NEVER that nerdy... but we all know the truth;) Anyway, I DO think it's a good program and a positive way for the boys to hang out with their friends. But it's not just a church thing... it's actually international and in most places boys join in 1st grade (it's just a Mormon thing to have them wait til they're 8). Anyway I loved reading this post and tell Sawyer congratulations from us. Seriously, the Bergstroms are the Pinewood Derby KINGS! The folks in their ward were so happy when the last of them left scouts so that finally some other kids could win the derby... The Bergstrom boys always took 1st, 2nd & 3rd leaving no room for anyone else to win. They still brag about it to this day! Evidently it was a very memorable part of all of their childhoods. So keep up with the chanting... It will wear on you and it's worth it for Sawyer:)
How wonderful! You should be very proud of him! And, oh my -- I can't believe you let Sawyer out of the house with patches that weren't sewn on his uniform straight! ;o) How embarrassing!!! (Just kidding -- at least you sewed the patches on...I probably would have just pinned them on or paid someone else to do it.) Great job, Sawyer!!!
I thought they were life size cars too! I had no idea they were little things? That's great that Sawyer got 2nd place. he looks like he's having a great time.
What cute pictures Stacey! Tell Sawyer Congrats from all of us. Pinewood Derby's are a big deal around sometimes becomes a competition between fathers! We have not yet experienced the beauty of scouts...I too keep telling myself that I will love scouts, but I haven't made the effort to get James involved yet...maybe this summer?!
Wow! You guys rock! 2nd place is AWESOME!
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