Monday 8 March 2010

Faith and Sawyer's B-day

I have many posts I need to catch up on!! Faith turned 11 and Sawyer turned 9 on Feb. 27th. Of course, as I say every year, I can't believe they are this old. It seems like yesterday that I gave birth to them. They are both amazing, wonderful kids. They bring our family a tremendous amount of joy and happiness. I am enjoying them so much as they get older. I love the experiences they are having in school and with their various activities. I love all their stories. It is so fun to see them become more independent and develop their personalities. They really are great kids and I love them more than words can say.

We celebrated on the 27th with the grandparents. G-ma Donna brought them a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. We ate at Monical's and opened gifts. Sawyer got Legos and DS games from us and $$$$$$$$$ from the grandparents. Faith got an ipod alarm clock and Zhu Zhu stuff. She got gift cards from the grandparents. Faith asks for gift cards because it is very difficult for her to part with her cash. Sawyer has no problem letting go of his cash. Check out the photos. I realize I just said what a great kid Sawyer was...and he is...but he was disappointed in one of his Lego sets and one of the DS games we got him and was sure to let everyone know it. This is why he looks so grouchy in the photos and why he is hiding under his coat. Sawyer sets his expectations pretty high sometimes. This happens at Christmas as well. Faith was very happy with her gifts.

1 comment:

Holli said...

gotta love when our kids act like kids!! :) it is way more fun when it is your friends kids and you can say "oh their just kids!"
Sawyer I think you need a cell phone, a car and your own computer!:)