Tuesday 24 August 2010

First Day of School 2010

Wow...I am up and going so early now. Faith catches her bus a whole hour earlier than Sawyer and Eden now so I am up with her. I need to do a lot of stuff around the house that got neglected this summer but am not quite in the mood yet. The kids just had 1/2 day yesterday and all were very happy and excited! I honestly don't think Faith was the slightest bit nervous about getting on the jr. high bus or heading to her new school. I am very thankful for her confidence. We had 6th grade curriculum night last week and I think it helped. They divide the 6th graders into four teams. She is on team "S". She has two teachers that teach all her core classes. Her team is the smallest...maybe 50-60 kids or so. She found that she has several friends on her team. Her teachers are the only ones that do block scheduling (her classes every other day for 90 min.). I did my student teaching in a school that did block scheduling and loved it from the teaching perspective. I think Faith will enjoy it too. We introduced ourselves to her teachers and they seemed very nice...she said they were great yesterday as well. She is participating in 6th grade band this year and they are split into two bands. She is the only clarinet..which I think is odd. We will see how that goes. Today she will experience P.E., lunch and getting ready for an after school sport.

I feel bad not writing more about Sawyer and Eden but it is the normal elementary school routine for them again this year. They were both really happy with their teachers and the bus is old hat for them. They have five fewer kids at their stop now because those kids have moved up to jr. high. Sawyer was the only one with homework last night...typical. I feel very fortunate that my oldest three love school and that it is easy to get them out the door in the morning! Bex starts pre-school in a couple of weeks...that will be a different story.

Here's some pics. It was weird not taking a picture of all three of them together. Faith left before the other two were even out of bed.


Normal Mom said...

They look great! And tell Faith that it takes a special person to play the clarinet. Alanah looked like she was going to have a stroke at instrument exploration night. She chose the viola and that was a good choice for her.
I like block scheduling for the time it gives kids to process what they've learned--gives some more time to work through assignments or papers. It also gets them used to the college way EARLY!
You are a great mom and it shows in your beautiful, talented kids!

Ursula said...

Emmy was the only one with homework yesterday, too! She was not pleased about that. Can't believe when we met, Emmy & Sawyer were just toddlers...Everyone is so big and busy now!

Shelly said...

i'm so glad we all had a good 1st day of school! Let's hope we have many more good days of school this year! :)

Holli said...

beautiful kids!!! happy first day!!! can't believe you have a JR HIGHER!!!

The Shoes said...

Your kids look so happy for their first day! Are you?? We'll have to get together soon before Amy goes back to work!

Kellybee said...

Your kids are so cute. School started for James and Jesse as well, and I am adjusting to quiet afternoons with Tucker. I have been driving them to their new school which is 30 minutes away until we get into our new house. Just four more days to go! Yipee!