Last week the kindergartners had their annual letter parade at school. Unfortunately Eden got the letter "U". "U" is for "unfortunate" haha. They are required to have some representation of their letter. Of course, the over-achieving mothers did some very cute things with their given letter-I am not one of those mothers. Eden was determined to carry an umbrella. I suggested making it an "ugly umbrella" but she didn't go for that at all-everything has to be pretty. The hardest part was that they needed to bring 30 bite-sized snacks that started with their letter. I am still trying to think of something over a week later. I just took Nilla Wafers and piped a "u" on them. That was as good as it gets and my mom had to give me that idea. Eden is very bashful in front of a crowd and I was worried about her reciting her line -"U is for umbrella"- but she did great.
Otter Tins
2 years ago
Very cute! I love how they are teaching letters to the kids nowadays. My girls have been coming home every week singing a song to go with the letter they are learning. Your "U" cookies look very yummy!
So I read your call for help on facebook while I was on vacation and I thought and thought of a U treat and finally it hit me, but it's obviously too late... but I thought I'd tell you anyway... You could get those cocktail umbrella's they stick in pina colada's and stick them in juice boxes! Get it? Umbrella's:~) Anyway, the cookies worked too!
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